Thursday, January 2, 2014

Final Blog

Wow…I truly cannot believe this is my final blog as the current Miss Nebraska Teen USA 2013! The Miss Nebraska USA/Miss Nebraska Teen USA 2014 pageant is right around the corner! I am overwhelmed with gratitude for having had this amazing opportunity and dream of mine come true! I will forever be thankful for this remarkable opportunity God has blessed me with! Thank you to absolutely everyone who supported me throughout this incredible year! I am truly appreciative. Even though this chapter of my life is coming to a close and I'll crown the next lucky young lady in a few days, I'll be Miss Nebraska Teen USA 2013 forever and always. :) I wish my successor all the happiness, joy, and success in her upcoming year. :) God bless you all!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry CHRISTmas!

Merry CHRISTmas one day late everyone! My year of being Miss Nebraska Teen USA 2013 has been such an amazing gift from God, and I'll be forever thankful. However, Jesus is the ultimate best gift any of us could ever imagine! So, as you celebrate Christmas this season, remember the Reason for the season.  I pray everyone had a wonderful day yesterday filled with joy, love, and peace. God bless you! Love, Jasmine

St. Paul's Lutheran School

I was honored to speak to the great students of St. Paul's Lutheran School last Friday! It was the final school I spoke at as Miss Nebraska Teen USA! :)  

With my sweet neighbor Shay right after I got done speaking to her school last Friday! I absolutely adore her!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Norfolk Junior High

I spoke at the Norfolk Junior HIgh recently!  The 7th and 8th graders were great! It's starting to sink in that I'm almost finished being Miss Nebraska Teen USA! The junior high was the 2nd to last school that I'm speaking at this year. Thanks for being so supportive everybody!

Here I am taking pictures with some students after I finished speaking!

Here I am taking pictures with some students after I finished speaking!

Montessori Elementary

I visited Montessori recently! I had a great time speaking to the K-4th graders! I absolutely adored all the little ones!

 It was great seeing my former elementary teacher, Mrs. Olenich!

It was great seeing my former kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Marsden!

It was great seeing Mrs. Sudbeck again!

Wayne - 7th & 8th Grade

I've been keeping busy with appearances these last few weeks! Recently I spoke in Wayne once more, but this time I spoke to the 7th and 8th graders!  It was a great day!

Here I am with the Wayne Junior High FRIENDS group! They're great leaders for their school!

Here I am with Wayne Public School's amazing guidance counselor, Mrs. Sudmann.

Pierce Junior/Senior High School

It was so neat speaking at Pierce's Junior/Senior High School. Throughout my year, I normally spoke to students that were younger than me, so this was a change getting to speak to students my age! I'm very thankful for the opportunity!

I have the most amazing grandparents ever as well as a wonderful great aunt! They all came to Pierce's Junior/Senior High School to listen to me speak as Miss Nebraska Teen USA for one of the final times! I love them so much!

Thank you, Pierce Junior/Senior High School for having me in to speak! I was honored!

Bel Air Elementary

Recently I spoke to every classroom K-4 at Bel Air Elementary!  What amazing kids! I absolutely adored them!

Norfolk High

I also spoke to Mr. Grey's and Mrs. Fisher's freshmen panther lunch classes at Norfolk High School!

Wayne - 6th graders

I recently spoke in Wayne to three separate 6th grade classes.