Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone!!:) I hope that you all had (and continue to have) an absolutely amazing day filled with tons of joy, smiles, peace, and happiness. :) Enjoy the rest of your night, and don't forget the reason for the season - Jesus Christ :) God bless you!

Photo Credit: Google Images

Monday, December 3, 2012

Miss/Teen Kansas USA 2013 Pageant

I got to see the gorgeous Amy Spilker (Miss Nebraska USA 2012) and the lovely Madison Novak (Miss Nebraska Teen USA 2011) last night!

Myself and the AMAZING Jerry!

Vanbros 2013 titleholders!

Congrats on your amazing reign as Miss Kansas Teen USA 2012, Katie!

My new pageant sister, Aly Klinzing, Miss Kansas Teen USA 2013!!:)

We're pageant sisters now!! Congrats Aly!! :)

I feel so blessed to have this girl in my life! She is the best pageant "big sister" I could ever ask for!! :)

Current and past Vanbros titleholders at the Miss/Teen Kansas USA 2013 pageant last night!
I had such an absolute blast at the Miss/Teen Kansas USA 2013 pageant last night!! :) I loved getting to see people that are very dear to me, as well as getting to meet TONS of new people! What an incredible evening! I love my Vanbros family!! :) Congratulations to Aly & Staci on your new titles! I know that you both will be fabulous!!:)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!!

HAPPY THANKSGIVING, EVERYONE!!!:) I hope that you all have an extraordinary day! On this day, please be extra thankful for all that God has given you! :) He truly is so good. God bless!

Photo Credit: http://blogs-images.forbes.com/mergermarket/files/2012/11/gif_turkey002PR_c.gif

Friday, November 16, 2012

Bel Air Elementary School's Bingo Night!!

Signing an autograph for this sweet little girl!

Signing autographs for these 2 sweethearts! 

Calling a bingo number!

I had such a great and fun evening as the bingo caller at Bel Air Elementary School's family fun night last night in Norfolk! :) I got to meet so many great people, and I saw a bunch of incredible past teachers and familiar faces from when I attended 4th and 5th grade at that school. :) What a fun night!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Norfolk Senior High Veteran's Day Program

Today was another great experience! I had the honor of meeting some amazing Veterans in Norfolk, Nebraska. Before they entered Norfolk Senior High, the high school which I attend, I got to personally thank each one of them for their service. I fully enjoyed talking to each of these Veterans, and I feel truly blessed to live in this great country for which these amazing men and women sacrificed so much. Thank you, Veterans! Your services and sacrifices will never be forgotten. Thank you again. God bless the USA!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Happy Veteran's Day!

Happy Veteran's Day! Thank you to all of the men and women for their service - both past and present! God bless the USA!

Photo Credit - http://www.oncenter.org/sites/default/files/events/Veteran's%20Day%20Parade.jpg

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Osmond Public School Veteran's Day Program

2 of the Veterans that I had the honor of meeting
My grandpa and myself
Osmond Lady Auxiliary members
The line up of people thanking the Veterans for their service!
I attended a Veteran's Day program at Osmond's high school.
Yesterday I had the honor of attending a Veteran's Day program at the Osmond, Nebraska high school. Thank you to all of the Veterans and current men and women serving our country! God bless the USA!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Voting Polls

Working at a voting poll

I got to work at the voting poll with these wonderful ladies!
I cannot believe it has been a month already! Wow! Yesterday I volunteered my time to work at the voting polls! I pray that the Lord will direct and guide our country!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Contract Signing

Right before heading to the contract signing!
The sweet and beautiful Ellie Lorenzen, Miss Nebraska USA 2013, and me right after the contract signing!
It has been 3 weeks to the day of my official contract signing as Miss Nebraska Teen USA 2013! :) I thought I'd share these pictures with you all.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Photos from Coronation

The evening gown competition
The final 5 teens
The final waiting moments to find out the 2013 titleholders!
Immediately right when I realized that I was the new titleholder...
God is just so good!
One of those moments in life that takes your breath away....
The moment I dreamt of ever since I was 6 years old!!      
Ellie, my new pageant big sister (Miss Nebraska USA 2013), and I congratulating each other
The stunning Sarah Summers, Miss Nebraska Teen USA 2012
The gorgeous Katie Taylor,  Miss Kansas Teen USA 2012 
The stunning "Q," Mrs. United States
My adorable cousin Leah
My wonderful neighbors/friends: Tammi, Morgan, & Tanner

I love my parents so much! They are the reason why I dream big....Ever since I was a little girl, they told me to always believe in myself and never give up on my dreams. They are the best parents in the world, and words can never accurately describe how much they mean to me.
Words can't describe how much I love these two… Best siblings in the world.
I love my grandparents so much! It meant the world that they came to support me!
3 weeks have passed already...I can't wait to see what God has in store! 
In honor of it already being 3 weeks since the pageant, I wanted to share some special photos from that night. I had my amazing family and friends make the trip down to Omaha to cheer me on, which truly meant the world to me. Unfortunately, I didn't get photos with all of them after coronation. I truly feel as though I have the best family and friends in the world! Feeling so blessed… Enjoy the photos! :)   xoxo ~Jasmine

3 Weeks Already...

It is so beyond crazy to think that it has already been 3 weeks since the night when I was crowned! I am so excited to start setting up appearances and affecting lives for the better! I've been participating in  my high school's musical, so I've been on a very tight schedule lately. However, our performances were this weekend, so I am ready to start appearances now more than ever! God has blessed me with this amazing opportunity, and I am so thankful!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

New Friends From the Pageant!

A group of us teen contestants before our first official photo shoot of pageant weekend!

Lizzy - She is such a sweet and beautiful girl inside and out!

Julia - She was one of the best friends that I met throughout that weekend! We bonded so quickly because of our love and devotion to Christ! :) I feel so blessed to have met her!

My beautiful roommate for the weekend, Sydney

The stunning 2012 titleholders!

Dressing room buddies!

The amazing Kira! We had never met before the pageant, but it turns out we only live 30 minutes away from each other! I'm so excited to hopefully spend more time with her! She is such a great new friend!

Deidra!! She is definitely going places...I feel so lucky to have met her! She has such a kind heart, and she's so much fun to be around! Such a sweetheart.
About 3 weeks ago, one of the most amazing weekends occurred! I arrived at Hotel Deco in Omaha, Nebraska with the dream of becoming Miss Nebraska Teen USA 2013. I came into that weekend with an open mind - ready to meet some fantastic friends and people, make everlasting memories, and if it was God's will for my life - win the title. I'd like to share some photos with you all of just SOME of the amazing friends that I made that weekend! I wish I would have taken even more pictures! I am still a newbie with all of this blogging, so please be patient with me as I learn how to do all of this! :) haha Take care and have a wonderful day!!:)