Sunday, January 20, 2013

Women's Exposition

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of spending a majority of my day at a Women's Exposition, which supported women's fashion, health, fitness, and more! I received my own booth, where I got to meet a lot of great people and chat with them about my journey as Miss Nebraska Teen USA 2013 so far! I especially enjoyed taking photos with multiple little girls and letting them wear my crown! Their smiles while wearing the crown were absolutely indescribable and extremely precious! To say the least, I had a wonderful day yesterday. :) God bless, and Happy Sunday! :)

With one of the many adorable little girls I had the chance to meet!

I was ecstatic getting to see Kira! We met each other at the Miss Nebraska Teen USA 2013 pageant last October.

Standing at my booth at the Women's Expo

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